Whatcott Court Update

Superior Court Justice Jill Presser She/her (right) poses with Liberal Strategist and husband John Duffy, along with pro-homosexual provincial Liberal candidate Joan Davis. Jill puts her pronouns after her name during online court sessions to help you out as she is indoctrinated with neo-Marxist gender ideology and is concerned you might otherwise think she is a man, or a so-called gender queer, or a non binary, or something else. The Toronto Sun revealed Jill Presser donated $6200 to the Liberal Party before the Trudeau government appointed her to the bench in 2021.

Dear Friends,

I briefly appeared in Practice Court on Monday, April 29th, before Superior Court Justice Jill Presser she/her. Nothing much happened and the matter has been put over until Monday, May 27th.

For this second trial I am leaning towards a trial by Judge and Jury as Trudeau appointees like Lorne Sossin he/him and Jill Presser she/her are making up a significant portion of the bench and my concern is these folks don’t believe criticism of even the most abberant aspects of the homosexual lifestyle and the Toronto homosexual unGodly pride parade could possibly be legitimate freedom of speech. Lorne Sossin he/him proved in his appeals court ruling that if necessary he would depart from all norms when ruling that the first trial judge in my “hate crime” trial erred by not admitting the opinions of radical homosexual activist academic Nick Mule. In fact Lorne he/him called the exclusion of Mule’s “evidence” a “serious error in law” and ordered a second trial where Nick’s opinions on “tropes,” “microaggressions” and “minority stress” will be admitted as required evidence to be considered. Nick’ Mule’s York University bio lists his expertise as being on such heavy topics as kink, queering social work, and the importance of doing crystal meth during sodomy free from police prosecution.

Please keep these matters in prayer and ask for God to surround me with angels as we slowly move closer to trial day.

A little trivia:

The first execution carried out in Kitchener, Ontario (known at the time as Berlin, Ontario) was of a 17-18 year young old man named Jim Allison.

On August 9, 1897 Mr. Allison, a farm hand, murdered his employer’s wife, a 37 year old woman named Emma Orr, apparently over a dispute regarding being denied time off work.

Allison was arrested, interrogated, and charged with murder by September, 1897.

Allison’s trial began December 2, 1897 and wrapped up by December 4th, 1897.

An appeal for clemancy was heard and rejected on January 27th, 1898.

After a last breakfast and receiving Chaplaincy services, Jim Allison was executed in the “Waterloo County Gaol” on February 4th, 1898.

Allison’s arrest, trial, appeal and execution was all completed just shy of six months.

Contrast James Cody who was charged with possession of a kilogram of cocaine and half a kilogram of marijuana for the purposes of trafficking in January 2010. Cody was not able to go to trial until January 2015, causing the court to throw out his charges because they took too long to get to trial. Cody walked free and got himself murdered a couple of years later in another drug deal gone bad.

Because sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the sons of men is fully set to do evil. ” Ecclesiastes 8:11

Published by BillWhatcott

"So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Romans 7:21-25

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